GTAW 3-Day Module - TIG Welding

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The GTAW Module will expose students to a basic understanding of the TIG welding process. Students will learn a basic understanding of electricity, weld defects, and metallurgy and how they affect the weld. Students will also gain a basic understanding of the language spoken in the welding industry through codes and symbols. Students will leave the GTAW Module course with more than foundational information and skill, but also a firm grasp of the industries needs and nuances. A student leaving the course will have a good foundation in any potential TIG welding career. However, while this class is not part of a program, students are encouraged to build a more solid foundation in the welding industry with other Process Modules.

The GTAW Module are 3 days long (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), for a total of nearly 22 hours of training.

Students must be at least 18 years old to enroll in this class.

By the end of this course, students will:

  • Understand the need for their craft in our current job market
  • Develop a work ethic suitable for the industries challenging work environments
  • Understand and develop a basic skill set for the GTAW welding process on commonly TIG welded material (mild steel, aluminum, stainless steel)
  • Understand basic welding codes
  • Understand basic electricity and its effects on the welding arc
  • Understand basic metallurgy of common metals and the effects of the welding arc
  • Read and understand welding symbols
  • Identify weld defects, how to avoid them before and after welding. Have appropriate procedures to correct defects post weld.
  • Perform proper machine set up and parameter variables
  • Perform basic fillet welds in the 1F,2F, and 3F positions using the GTAW process

Required Personal Welding Gear

Each student is required to have the following personal welding gear during each day’s welding course. In the event a student does not have the required welding gear, the student can purchase the required gear from General Air’s retail store (located next to the Academy).

Proper Welding Attire

Each student is expected to wear cotton or leather clothing. No nylon type clothing should be worn as it is susceptible to burning and melting to the skin. Leather work boots are also required, preferably steel toed. No tennis shoes allowed. Any loose clothing and/or long hair needs to be secured.

General Air Denver
1105 Zuni St. 
Denver, CO 80204

For questions regarding registration, please contact us at

Visit General Air Service & Supply to sign up for any of our Denver welding courses!